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AISoft Technology offers end-to-end software engineering services, with on-demand teams and resources to carry out full-scale enterprise digital transformation and product development.


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Manufacturing (IoT)

Industry 4.0 have come to the doors of manufacturing. Currently companies are building lots of big factories to produce different types of their products. This takes lots of time, lots of money and if product is not hot on the market anymore, they have to do it all over again. Industry 4.0 wants to stop that. In only one factory manufacturers will be able to produce different types of goods with digital robot adjustment. With the fast data manipulation, data analysis, data storage in fast databases and its representation in Virtual Reality environment we make Industry 4.0 possible.


It is all about electricity. Auto industry is taking a big shift from mechanical to electrical engines and solutions. With new 5G technology we are going to enable cars to communicate with other cars and with environment. Big speeds of data transmission ask for the fast and reliable infrastructure based in cloud. Our solution enables car manufacturers to receive car data in a real time, process it and calculate the best possible outcome.


Finance is all about the security. Everyone wants to have their money on the secure place like banks. Holding money at your home is not popular for a long time now. However, as we are in the digital world banks are suffering from daily attacks on their transactions, servers, etc. As we found out what are the week points in digital financing we have developed different Machine Learning models to prevent fraudulent transactions, deep logs analytics with AI based technology to see in the real time possible threats and much more.


Connected word is what Telecoms around the world providing to their users. User increase in connected world brought Telcos on the side where everything should work flawless and outage of the services are not allowed. However, outages are normal in telecommunication world and if they are fixed soon enough, with low impact to the customer they are happy with that solution. On the other hand, we, the DataFlux are using real time monitoring, predictive analysis, different machine learning models to learn the system to react at the right time, under 1 second, to predict possible outcomes and to learn all the problems that occurred, so that in the future they can be fixed automatically. DataFlux helps Telecoms to stay connected.


Smart Grid is the future of Energy industries. With our solutions we are tracking energy consumption, predicting how much energy will be needed for different subjects, predict when some parts will gone bad and inform responsible bodies to replace that parts before they make damage and affect energy supply, in real time track and suggest enhancement of specific features


You are different, visionary, passionate for technologies and team work? We would be glad to have you in our team. Contact us and we will do our best to make you grow with us.

Send your CV to info@softech.ai

Open job positions:

Frontend Magician

Creativity is your middle name and your first name is JavaScript, hurry up and grab amazing position within our team.
You will be able to show all of your expertise in virtual reality that we are developing.

Angular, JavaScript, three.js, babylon. js, node. js, JQuery

Software Superhero

You want to be responsible for your own success? Code with us.
If you believe that you are amazing in one of these languages: Java, Python, C#, C++, R, or some other cool programming language, let us know little bit about yourself and for sure we will get in touch with you.

Kafka, Pulsar, Flink, Spark, Confluent KSQL, ElasticSearch, Redis, Druid, NodeJs, Neo4J

DevOps Superhero

If you are too lazy to do repetitive work and your thing is automatization in cloud environment, you are on the right place.
You know the drill, apply for automatization.

Dockers, Kubernetes, Helm Charts, Ansible, Jenkins, Puppet

EU Projects

  • Naziv projekta: Razvoj i komercijalizacija inteligentnog sustava za računalom potpomognute analize poziva tvrtke AISoft Technology d.o.o.
  • Korisnik: AISoft Technology d.o.o.
  • Poziv: Bespovratne potpore za novoosnovana poduzeća (NPOO.C1.1.2.R2-I3.02)
  • Operativni program: Nacionalni plan oporavka i otpornosti (NPOO)

Kratki opis projekta: Provedbom predmetnog projekta, AI sustav Call-E će kroz aktivnosti eksperimentalnog razvoja back-end i front-end dijela sustava do razine gotovog proizvoda dostići razinu tehnološke spremnost TRL 9 te će biti spremna za komercijalizaciju.

Ciljevi i očekivani rezultati projekta: Cilj predmetnog projekta jest razviti i nadograditi inteligentnog AI sustava Call-E za računalom potpomognute analize poziva što predstavlja radikalnu inovaciju na globalnom tržištu, te pripremiti tim i proizvod na komercijalizaciju sustava Call-E, a sve u svrhu povećanja produkcijskih kapaciteta, novih zapošljavanja i spremnosti za investicije tvrtke AISoft Technology d.o.o. Time će se adresirati centralni interni problem - nemogućnost dovršetka novih inovativnih proizvoda prema zahtjevima tržišta. Ciljnu skupinu projekta čine svi telekom operateri, dok su krajnji korisnici svi korisnici usluga telekom operatera.

Ukupna vrijednost projekta: 166.509,84 EUR

Iznos koji sufinancira EU (u HRK): 131.080,00 EUR

Razdoblje provedbe projekta: 1.10.2022.-1.10.2023.

Kontakt osobe za više informacija: Ivan Konjevod, info@softech.ai



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